Urology Green List

All about finding safe places to publish your urological research

We are constrantly bombarded with invitations to submit articles to journals. It is not always easy to know which invitations are genuine and which invitations are from predatory publishers. Rather than list the predatory journals, this site will focus on informing you about which journals are genuine and appropriate venues for publishing your urological research.

Urology Green List


There have never been so many journals in which one may publish their research. Unfortunately, the majority of journals have little integrity and their business is not about sharing science but rather, to generate income from unsuspecting authors.  The now defunct Beall list for predatory journals was an important reference for researchers to asssist authors in identifying which journals should be avoided.  The Urology Green List has been established as a new reference site assisting urology researchers to know which journals are safe to publish in.  It is possible that a journal will not be on the list if it is new and in the process of establishing a track record.  If a journal is not on the Urology Green List, then it is recommended that you seek advice from senior colleagues before making any submission to that journal.  If you feel that there is a journal that should be on the Urology Green List, please contact us with your suggestion as well as the reasons behind your recommendation for inclusion.